Clinton's "Plain L1 & R1" Model


If you didn't check the serial numbers you'd be inclined to think that this model was a very early developmental form of Equisonant - but the serial numbers in the 4900's are closer to the highest we've found.  Was this perhaps a cut-down economical student model, or had Clinton found an easier way to achieve his goals?  Clearly we need to find out.

This example

Clinton & Co Equisonant No 4955, Left hand and Right hand sections

The example pictured above is Clinton & Co Equisonant No 4955, and resides in the Hague Collection at Glasgow University. 

Characteristic features (images)

Clinton's characteristic combined Bb and C thumb key is surely there.

Unusual features (images)

Keywork (Schematics)



Bore (graph)

Venting (chart)

Playing qualities

Pitch (graph)

Tuning (graph)

Fingering (chart)

Links (similar and different flutes)



I'm indebted to Arnold Myers, Edinburgh University, for the images, and to the Hague Collection for preserving this most interesting instrument.


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